Samstag, 19. Februar 2022

How Does Your Sign of the Zodiac Tackle Problems?

Let's have a bit of fun with the signs of the zodiac! Each sign has its characteristics that play out in all areas of life. For example, you may ask yourself: How does my sign of the zodiac handle problems that get in the way? Here are the answers.

Aries storms towards a problem with his head down. The problem tries to escape screaming. If it's lucky, it can go into hiding, but, more probably, it will be run over.

Taurus also lowers his head, but approaches the problem a lot more steadily. Putting one foot in front of the other, he steers unstoppably towards his goal. His determination makes the problem surrender and sink to the floor.

Gemini simply starts talking cheerfully, maybe analysing all aspects of the problem's nature and causes. When he stops after a while to catch breath, he is surprised to find that the problem, for its part, has stopped breathing – permanently.

Cancer has a sweaty brow in view of the problem. He takes heart and starts circling it. In the process, his courage grows, and his circles get quicker and closer. When he finally gets close enough, he realises that the problem has meanwhile fallen asleep, and he triumphantly deals it a fatal blow with his claws.

Leo indignantly roars at the problem: »How dare you, unworthy problem, get in my way?« The problem faints, drops to the floor and is no more.

Virgo thoroughly examines the problem and diligently works his way through it, not even thinking about taking a break until the work is done. Afterwards, he cleans the floor and the tools he used.

Libra smiles at the problem, shakes hands and has a nice chat with it. After a while they agree that only pleasant things should exist on this planet, and, by its own free will, the problem turns into something positive.

Scorpio stares at the problem with piercing eyes. He gets uncomfortably close until the problem cannot stand the increasing pressure any longer and, making a crackling sound, it turns into a pile of ashes.

Sagittarius holds an idealistic keynote speech, pointing out the noble principles the problem in hand violates. He comes to the conclusion that »a problem thus ignominious« deserves death, kills it with a single arrow through the heart and trots away.

Capricorn looks at the problem, briefly disappears in his ivory tower and then returns with a calculation that proves that the problem cannot exist. The problem must admit that it cannot counter the calculation with any argument, shrugs and consequently vanishes into thin air.

Aquarius is delighted to have a new problem to solve. He takes measurements, calculates, and, under a lot of happy soldering and welding, builds a contraption that not only removes the problem by remote control, but also automatically sows lawn where it was so as to erase any trace of its existence.

Pisces approaches the problem with genuine empathy and asks it with concern if it had a difficult childhood. Taken by surprise, the problem gives up its resistance and starts talking about the abominable circumstances that caused it. Within the course of a lengthy session during which Pisces listens carefully and with sincere sympathy, the problem understands that it shouldn't be there and removes itself silently.

Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2022

Our Playground

Like you, I've been wondering why we are here and what this is all about. I will try to summarise my humble opinion on this subject as briefly as possible.

Birth and Heritage

God is the Creator. He has created us in His image. As a consequence, we can create, too. And with Earth, He has given us a safe playground – some kind of sandbox – where we can test our abilities and perfect them. Just like a sourcerer's [sic!] apprentices.


God is consciousness. He creates with His thoughts. When we first arrive on this planet, we use tools and materials to create things. That is: We have ideas, but we do not implement them directly. We go the long way through the material world.

As we mature, we find out that there is a more direct way to produce things. Instead of using the roundabout method of conceiving and building tools and mining materials in order to build the things we have in mind, our intuition tells us that the matter that surrounds us and that consists mostly of nothing anyway can be manipulated by our thoughts alone – by our consciousness. This is where the wheel comes full circle.

Visual Instruction

Have you watched the film »Lucy« by any chance? Apart from the protagonist's name and from the fact that they want to tell us again (yawn!) we are animals, this film shows in an impressive way what we are capable of if we – ingest a chemical? Oh no, certainly not! – if we live to our full potential: If we search the tools within ourselves and use our consciousness to create the vibration necessary to make the desired results resonate into existence.

State of Mind

Watching the film, you will notice that the once insecure protagonist becomes as cool as a cucumber as soon as she is in full possession of her abilities. This is, of course, an inevitable side effect of her development, since there is no enemy left that could hurt her. Hence, if you want to enslave people, you had better tell them they are weak and helpless and totally at your mercy, like a small animal in a cage. Consequently, you can recognise your adversaries by exactly this kind of behaviour – no matter if partner, relative or politician, you will be surprised how many you will find.

How Children Grow into Adults

As stated above, growing up means that you stop playing in the sandbox and reflect upon who you really are. To do this, you have to block out the world around you for a while and retreat into your inner realm. It is no coincidence that those who seek to reach a higher spiritual level have practised meditation for centuries. How do you intend to become aware of your inner strength if you focus your attention on sensationalist news and light entertainment?

At first, at the beginning of your development, your environment serves you as a mirror and shows you how your thoughts, words and deeds have an effect – on people and on things. But at a later stage, you have to concentrate on your mind and on its power of influence.


See your life as a chance and find out who you really are! Start today, for every day is a new chance!

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